WitchSpring R is a Bewitching JRPG that Mixes Collection, Crafting, and Everything a Witch Could Want
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WitchSpring R is a Bewitching JRPG that Mixes Collection, Crafting, and Everything a Witch Could Want

WitchSpring R is an upcoming JRPG this September 2023 that features a charming art style, crafting and collection, and turn-based battles. 

WitchSpring R is a Charming JRPG that Mixes Collection, Crafting, and Everything a Witch Could Want

Developers KIWIWALKS are almost ready to release their newest PC game, WitchSpring R. The developers may be relatively unknown in the PC space, as their WitchSpring series are predominantly on mobile. WitchSpring R seems to be a title that’s being developed with PC in mind first. So what kind of trouble can we get into? 

The Witchiest of Plans

WitchSPring R is a story-driven JRPG that takes place in a world where magic has been abolished. Humanity, in their ever-present hubris, has desired the powers that the gods have had. However, they discovered that they could not use the gods’ powers for their own selfish needs, and thus decided to eradicate all traces of the deities from the world. 

Pieberry in Her Witchy Home
Pieberry in Her Witchy Home

Shrines of worship were destroyed and outlawed, and anyone who practiced magic was labeled as a “witch”. These witches have been hunted indiscriminately, all because of humanity’s jealousy. 

WitchSpring R - Pieberry in Disguise. Nobody Will Recognize Her Without Her Hat!
Pieberry in Disguise. Nobody Will Recognize Her Without Her Hat!

Our character is one such witch named Pieberry. One cool fact about her is that her favorite foods are pies and strawberries. She is an innocent young fledgling witch and is not learned in the world. She lives alone in isolation, in a magical forest sheltered away from humanity. Her one dream? To be able to leave her lonely forest and explore the huge wide world all around her. 

Become the Best WitchSpring There Ever Was

To be able to get Pieberry out of the forest, she will need to become the very best witch that there ever could be. This would mean she would have to undergo a rigorous training set, which includes both the mind and body. Running, meditation, swimming, and push-ups are just some of the physical and mental hoops that she’ll have to jump through. 

WitchSpring R - What an Imposing Guardian
What an Imposing Guardian

Aside from that, there are plenty of things that Pieberry can collect out in the world, as she literally lives in a forest rife with ingredients with magical properties. Players can take any interesting materials and dump them into Pieberry’s witchy cauldron, getting out all the double-double, toil, and troubles. Perhaps the alchemy system won’t be as in-depth as something like the Atelier series, but it will be interesting to see where this goes. 

WitchSpring R - Fireballs!

There are also some fantastical beasts (and where to find them) scattered throughout the forest and the surrounding areas. One golem in particular blocks Pieberry’s path. This makes him some sort of checkpoint for WitchSpring R to see if our budding witch is strong enough to survive in the outside world. 

WitchSpring R Pixie Forests

WitchSpring R seems to be quite the slice-of-life RPG, somewhat similar to Harvestella in some ways. It looks like players will have tons of activities to participate in aside from those we already discussed. Pieberry can explore many diverse locations that offer a wealth of things to discover.

WitchSpring R - A Wide World to Roam
A Wide World to Roam

For example, early gameplay footage shows off tons and tons of puzzles that you can interact with to unlock various rewards. Trailers also suggest some kind of Pokemon-style monster catching (or at least you can stun monsters). It isn’t quite clear. 

WitchSpring R - Get Out of My Way!
Get Out of My Way!

But of course, there’s also combat in WitchSpring R. Being a budding witch, Pieberry can make use of various elemental magics to smite her foes. You have access to the basics, such as ice walls, fireballs, or even electricity. It also looks like she’ll have tons of friends to count on in a pinch when the going gets tough. 

A Bewitching Cast

WitchSpring R has a huge supporting cast that will either be friends or foes to our little Pieberry. We have Black Joe, Pieberry’s constant companion in her journey of WitchSpring R. He’s a disgruntled-looking black bird who’s actually over 300 years old (though he doesn’t look it). Being as old as he is makes him quite grumpy, though he generally gets along with our protagonist. We also have the lion-like Aslan, an ancient guardian of the forest that can manipulate the weather itself. 

WitchSpring R - Will They Be Friend or Foe?
Will They Be Friend or Foe?

The human side of things includes Justice and Livya, who are both military leaders of the local kingdom of Vavelia. We also have Kanna, a master thief, as well as Alfredo the cowardly knight who always runs away from Pieberry.

The Best Pieberry There Could Be

WitchSpring R releases on September 26, 2023, exclusively for PC. The other games in the WitchSpring series are predominantly available on Android and iOS. No price has been announced just yet. 

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