Wild West Online Preview: An Ambitious Western Action-MMO
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Wild West Online Preview: An Ambitious Western Action-MMO

After the positive reaction of a “leaked image” back in early May 2017 (mistakenly presumed to be that of a screenshot for Rockstar’s upcoming: Red Dead Redemption 2),  developer 612 Games has since been on the radars of PC gamers. Born from their passion is their new title, Wild West Online.  An open world western themed action-adventure MMORPG that sets out to recreate the era of the cowboys in dramatic fashion. Ambitious with its “Emergent Systems”, which hopes to breathe life and introduce dynamics gameplay and features coupled with world exploration, resource gathering, PvP combat, PvE missions and much more.

Genre:  MMORPG,  Western
Developed by:  612 Games
Published by:  DJ2 Entertainment
Release date:  TBA
Platforms:  PC
Website:  https://www.playwwo.com/

Wild West Online Features

  • Open World Exploration
  • Resource Gathering
  • PvP Combat
  • PvE Missions
  • Morality/Notoriety System
  • Dynamic Day/Night Cycle

Story & Setting

An over-bearing narrative is apparently non-existent. Instead Wild West Online encourages players to craft their own story as many “sandbox” open world games do these days. Their actions, interactions, and consequential results will outline the personal plot for themselves to witness, or for other players to join in. In short, you make your own story.

In Wild West Online  puts players into an online open-world in a Western setting circa the 1800s. Players will explore the vast heartland of the US while, making a name for themselves or staking a claim. 612 Games very much is trying to recreate the classic Western movie feel that you might find from the middle of the last century. We really haven’t seen anything done in this vein to this scale before so it’ll be interesting to see how it plays out.


Having a diversity of gameplay systems, the WWO grants players a large amount of freedom in how they choose to approach the game and their interactions with fellow players. They can do and be whomever they want to be from that era. From doing seemingly mundane and laborious occupations such as gold mining as a prospector, to roaming as a free-spirited adventurer across the vast lands. To even being a thief or an outlaw, robbing, murdering, cheating their way through the game and becoming their own Billy the Kid. If they’d like, they can gang up with other outlaws, forming their own band of bandits and wreak even more havoc among the denizens of Wild West OnlineWhile at the same time, those at their mercy can hire other players for personal protection. Cops and Robbers anyone?

But like real life, things aren’t always without consequences, as actions taken like unjustified murder will affect your reputation determining how other players and in-game NPCs interact and see you. When you’ve become a large enough threat, be prepared to be marked with a price on your head and hunted throughout the country by player bounty hunters or sheriffs hungry for either fame, justice or riches. Playing a trigger-happy outlaw bars you from relaxing strolls through towns without conflict, though you may find comfort in the numerous hideouts to call home with other criminals welcoming you with open arms, or with a bullet to the face.

Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’, keep them dogies rollin’, man my ass is swollen, Rawhide!

For those who enjoy the simple life, they can opt to purchase a deed to their very own homestead, tailoring it to whatever their hearts desires. They can make a living by operating it to generate profit by selling produce to fellow players, or simply treat it as a safe house, which can also be rented out. Having a safe house will allow you to recuperate your character, stash your hard-earned loot, customize how your Wild West  persona looks as well as act as a fast travel point to various available locations.

These are just a few examples of how players can mold their experiences in Wild West Online.  Other examples include treasure hunting, charting the new world as a trailblazer and more. There are also saloons for players to drown themselves in whiskey, and even spend time with hustlers in the upstairs cabins.

Audio & Visual

From what was showcased so far, graphical fidelity and art design in Wild West Online  is simply gorgeous and well-made, and overall very presentable. Texture resolutions are decent without looking too muddy, shading is nicely done, so are the shadows and lighting. All of these elements combine to create a seemingly immersive Clint Eastwood experience.  However, animations on the characters are quite lacking in quality. The movements are animatronic and awkward which breaks whatever immersion players may have. This is even more apparent in 3rd person view like when mounted atop a horse. There is no weight, jitter or stagger during motion and it gives an “on rails” feeling. Essentially a floating head with a pair of bobbing fists in first-person view.

Wild West Online  is currently in development with a release date that’s yet to be announced. Stay tuned for more information as we see how this game develops.

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