By biotic boom
 I know that when starting an insanity run, people (like myelf) have read insanity tips for good classes, so they go searching the net for team mate tips, but when finally playing the game, they find that that class isnt for them, so they go searching again for class tips and then team mate tips, so please comment the best team you've found pn each class you've played, just so its all in one place. thank you!:)

Edited by biotic boom, 31 August 2011 - 03:42 PM.

By Guest
I'm assuming (direct control) this is for ME2:

Soldier: Miranda, Samara
Vanguard: Thane, Kasumi
Infiltrator: Miranda, Samara
Adept: Zaeed, Miranda
Engineer: Grunt, Samara
Sentinel: Jacob, Jack

Really, though, it depends on the mission but these are generally good choices.
By ryoldschool
Assuming you mean ME2, if so you might want to change the title. My suggestions:

Any class - Miranda

before they get inferno ammo - ( Jacob or Grunt ) { for squad incendary ammo } + Miranda { max passive for 15% weapon damage }
After they get inferno ammo - I don't think it makes much difference who you bring with Miranda.
Also take Zaeed on any Geth mission before Legion's Loyality for squad disruptor.

Other classes I defer to others.
By biotic boom
thanks for that, everyone makes mistakes. :)
By RedCaesar97
For me, my choice of squadmates depends on how I am playing my class.

For example, my Warp+Overload(+Throw) Sentinel excelled at stripping defenses and Warp-bombing or Throwing, so Mordin, Jack, Samara/Morinth, and Jacob were the best options.

Similarly, my defense stripping Engineers (Overload+Incinerate or Overload+Reave) also used Jack, Samara/Morinth, and Mordin.

My Cryo Blast+AI Hacking Engineers prefer defense-stripping squadmates, so Miranda, Garrus, Kasumi, Thane, Samara, and Tali are good squadmates.

My Adept prefers Miranda and Thane.
By Bozorgmehr 2.0
There are no "best" squadmates. All are useful when used right.

The most important thing is to think about your entire squad. It's basically irrelevant whether you (Shepard) or one of your squadies has access to, say, Overload. Your squad has the ability to instantly remove shields when needed (that's what really matters).

Missions (and/or the enemies you'll meet there) are also important. Tali and Legion's AI Hacking skill is insanely powerful on synthetic heavy missions, but it's useless when you're dealing with Bloodpack or Collectors - for example.

Teamwork >>>> individual teammembers.
By thisisme8
I personally love Jack. Any class, any mission. Half naked girls with potty mouths and shockwaves... what's not to like?
By Darkstar Aurora
Unlike the first Mass Effect game, there is no Achievement incentive for using the same team for the entire game in ME2. In fact, you actually need to use each team member at least once to earn all Achievements. More importantly, towards the latter half of the game you not only have a larger pool of specialized operatives, but also increasingly encounter a narrower range of enemies on each of the Main Story, Loyalty, or N7 missions. As such you are far better off choosing a pair of individuals specifically designed for each of the six types of enemies you will face, rather than a default with a variable or less specialized range of talents.

Each of the squad members possesses an array of abilities that make them highly effective against a specific type of enemy and/or on a specific mission. This is NOT merely in terms of their access to ammo/biotic/tech powers that damage defenses, but also into terms of weapons, crowd control powers, debilitating powers, health bonuses, and the terrain/environmental hazards of the battlefield. Therefore, since you already have an idea of what enemies and obstacles you will face on each mission (both from your previous play-through and from the in-character/in-game conversations) you are better off choosing your strike team with each mission individually.

Specifically I recommend:

Jack + Samara vs. Collectors
Kasumi + Zaeed vs. Blue Suns
Mordin + Thane vs. Blood Pack
Miranda + Garrus vs. Eclipse
Tali + Legion vs. Geth/Mechs
Grunt + Jacob vs. Husks/Varren/Klixen, etc

In examples where I have paired a character with ammo power alongside a character without ammo training the implied suggestion is that the ammo power be evolved into its squad version. In the example of Tali and Legion no ammo power is needed due to the combination of their AI Hacking abilities and shield-replenishing powers. In the Jacob and Grunt example they should select Inferno Ammo evolution instead for its area blast, as they will be used against enemies that attack in swarms.

I initially wrote a much longer reply analyzing why each of the above teams is uniquely superior to the others against said enemies, and why certain fan favorites (i.e. Miranda) would actually subtract from squad effectiveness if she were substituted into any of the other five team combinations against those specified enemies. However at this point, with the game having been out for over a year and a half, I assume it would be little more than a reiteration of common sense at this point. So I will hold off more detailed explanation unless specific reasons are requested/questioned.
By ryoldschool

Darkstar Aurora wrote...

Unlike the first Mass Effect game, there is no Achievement incentive for using the same team for the entire game in ME2. In fact, you actually need to use each team member at least once to earn all Achievements. More importantly, towards the latter half of the game you not only have a larger pool of specialized operatives, but also increasingly encounter a narrower range of enemies on each of the Main Story, Loyalty, or N7 missions. As such you are far better off choosing a pair of individuals specifically designed for each of the six types of enemies you will face, rather than a default with a variable or less specialized range of talents.

Each of the squad members possesses an array of abilities that make them highly effective against a specific type of enemy and/or on a specific mission. This is NOT merely in terms of their access to ammo/biotic/tech powers that damage defenses, but also into terms of weapons, crowd control powers, debilitating powers, health bonuses, and the terrain/environmental hazards of the battlefield. Therefore, since you already have an idea of what enemies and obstacles you will face on each mission (both from your previous play-through and from the in-character/in-game conversations) you are better off choosing your strike team with each mission individually.

Specifically I recommend:

Jack + Samara vs. Collectors
Kasumi + Zaeed vs. Blue Suns
Mordin + Thane vs. Blood Pack
Miranda + Garrus vs. Eclipse
Tali + Legion vs. Geth/Mechs
Grunt + Jacob vs. Husks/Varren/Klixen, etc

In examples where I have paired a character with ammo power alongside a character without ammo training the implied suggestion is that the ammo power be evolved into its squad version. In the example of Tali and Legion no ammo power is needed due to the combination of their AI Hacking abilities and shield-replenishing powers. In the Jacob and Grunt example they should select Inferno Ammo evolution instead for its area blast, as they will be used against enemies that attack in swarms.

I initially wrote a much longer reply analyzing why each of the above teams is uniquely superior to the others against said enemies, and why certain fan favorites (i.e. Miranda) would actually subtract from squad effectiveness if she were substituted into any of the other five team combinations against those specified enemies. However at this point, with the game having been out for over a year and a half, I assume it would be little more than a reiteration of common sense at this point. So I will hold off more detailed explanation unless specific reasons are requested/questioned.

Just a couple of points about your suggestions.
Jack + Samara vs Collectors
     You only face collectors three times, Horizon, Collector Ship, SM. You don't have Samara for Horizon and Jack won't have warp ammo, and for Collector ship Samara does not have reave yet.
Mordin + Thane for Blood pack. You want to evolve Thane's shredder ammo to squad?
Grunt + Jacob you said are good against Husks/vannen/Kixen and you suggest you evolve their incendary ammo to Inferno instead of squad. What do you do for the first part of the game when you don't have an ammo power at level 3?
About Miranda, a fan favorite as you say - one reason is that she can be good on any mission because of her squad passive and can attack any defense. If you are a soldier/vanguard/engineer/infiltrator you need either Miranda or Thane for warp bombs, Thane not being available until after Horizon.
By wilhelm Screamer
I like to pack teammates based on what abilities I need:

Removing barriers/shields: Miranda (duh), Garrus (CC is excelent against barriers, and he has overload for sheilds), Grunt (CC), Zaeed (CC, disruptor ammo), Thane. (Tali can be sort of good at this with her energy drain too, but that means you need to set points asde for that)

Anti armor: Mordin (spam incinerate, curb-stomp blood pack), Grunt (claymore **** armor & incindiary ammo), Jacob (incindiary ammo), Zaeed (Incindiary grenades, last choice).

Raw damage: Zaeed and Thane (ther passive powers can bring their weapon damage up to Shepard's level). Grunt and Legion are fairly good at this with their harder hitting collector ship weapons.

Tanking: Grunt (duh), Legion (don't discount those geth shild upgrades), Jacob. Jacob should only be used for tanking in the abscence of the other 2

Distractions: Kasumi (shadow strike & flashbang), Tali & Legion (drones & hacking), Morinth (Dominate), Grunt (stupid meatsheild likes to run right into his foes)

Biotic combos: Thane, Samara (gotta love reave), Morinth, Jack, Miranda.

When in doubt, these combos work ell in many situations:
1). Legion & Grunt to tank everything

2) Miranda & Jacob for versatility.

Edited by wilhelm Screamer, 01 September 2011 - 12:11 AM.