250+ Hours of Dragon Age: Inquisition & How It Could Have Delivered On Promises
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250+ Hours of Dragon Age: Inquisition & How It Could Have Delivered On Promises

The following post is this author’s opinion and does not reflect the thoughts and feelings of Fextralife as a whole nor the individual content creators associated with the site. Any link that goes outside of Fextralife, are owned by their respective authors.

Editor’s Note: For a different perspective, check out our Dragon Age: Inquisition Fextralife Review.

I have been playing Bioware games since 2003. I grew to love their company and how much thought they put into games. In 2010 I was given a copy of a friends Dragon Age: Origins to play. I loved the game. I ended up buying my own copy of GOTY when it was released. The one thing that floored me the most about Dragon Age: Origins was the story. I tried out all of the Origin stories and found I really liked the Couslands. The Dwarves were too political, the Elves were too racist and the Mages were depressing. At least with the Couslands I felt like my becoming a Warden was as much of a choice as a necessity. And that is what made the game great and why I loved the story: My personal opinion would not affect anyone else’s choice or how they played the game.

Premise of the Game and Promises that Failed to Deliver

Let us skip forward to the release of Dragon Age: Inquisition. This game was highly anticipated from the Dragon Age community and other gamers as well. We were told it would be a more “open” world with “real choices” and previous choices would be “mentioned” and have “impact.” Let’s look at each element of the game where these promises fell short, and how they could be rectified for future installments.


World Design

  • Each “zone” is 100% static. Other than one zone the weather or time of day does not change.
  • 90% of each zone is not necessary for quest progression, the rest is fluff.
  • If you ride a mount your companions disappear which means no banter
  • Banter is so few and far in between it is a wonder they are even there- people have to download a cheat module just to hear it
  • There is so much quiet and almost no music that it becomes grating and boring- in fact, most sound files are less than 20 seconds long
  • There are no unique monsters or enemies– you get bandits, darkspawn and bears…oh my? What about scorpions in the desert? Lobsters at the coast? Birds that attack, because you know… swooping is bad. What about other animals in forest lands, wolverines, skunks (rather than attack they could give a funny debuff until you wash off), you know -something- or -anything- that adds to the feel of an actual living, breathing world.

So again I ask: How is this world “open?” It is not even dynamic. There are no changes; not one person, or area, seems to get better or worse or anything of the sort, everything is the same. It is a bunch of trees and open fields with very little meaning or substance. You find a hut in the middle of nothing except a widow who is bemoaning the loss of a wedding ring. Really? The loss of a wedding ring? In the middle of a war zone? Jeez lady. You do not even have a garden or herd of animals; how the hell do you survive here? What are you doing? Her response should be “I am here to fill up time for you. I actually mean nothing in the grand scheme of things.” A lot of empty, large and wasted spaces. Almost every enemy in the Hinterlands is a bandit or a bear. All of the rift monsters are the same. In fact, closing a rift is probably one of the most boring aspects and yet the whole game is centered around it. Why boring? It is tedious and just there to show off your shiny hand. The monsters do not even DO anything but sift around their tiny area waiting for someone to come near. They aren’t rampaging the country side, they aren’t inhabiting bodies. They just hop around waiting for.. you know, whatever it is rift monsters wait for. Hint: You can not close 90% of the rifts and still beat the game and no one cares.


Real choices? Do not make me laugh. What choices are there really? You are either mean to a person or you are nice. There are no “hard” choices besides Mages vs Templars. And who picks the Templars anyway? That whole quest is so obnoxious and filled with drivel and “blah blah mages are so evil” I would be bald had I pulled out my hair in frustration. And Cole was some weird typical emo kid that everyone loved and was really just a spirit who got stuck in the real world. Ho hum. His “foreshadowing” was obnoxious at best and meta-gaming at worst. There was no mystery to him, no depth, no anything. Glad I made him human, though, after my second play-through as his spirit side was ingratiating.

If I learned anything from DA:I in regards to choices it is this: It only matters who you slept with and who you did not kill. Nothing more, nothing less. In a game that should have something more dynamic it is static and cliche. It was a sad disappointment for this DA veteran. What is more, is that the game has set zones based on level, so you cannot even make the choices to go where you want, you are stuck going to the zone that is your level. Tell me how that is open? The game is even designed around an arbitrary “War Table” that makes you spend time waiting for someone to fetch you some minerals. Please. I modded that right after the first play through. I want to play the game, not wait around for 3 silver ore. I do not want to get started on anymore fetch quests than I have for fear of causing myself a brain aneurysm. Putting flowers on a grave of someone who died is a giant slap in the face from the game devs. I can only imagine them laughing as all the people scramble to help some elf. Tell me in what elven lore do they put flowers on graves? Is that not a human tradition? It was the most ridiculous fetch quest to include. Hint: Zero fetch quests do anything worthwhile or dynamic in your game. It is filler for you to scramble about doing the bidding of arbitrary characters that won’t remember you later.

How about choices from DA:O? Redcliffe made me quit the game for a week because of how poorly it was handled. If Connor lives you see him at Redcliffe and that is it. He is very sad and boohoo, poor me blah blah blah. No chance to recruit him, no chance to interact with him more. No talk about his father or mother or anything else. That was another disappointment to add to my list. And Redcliffe itself was a poorly designed town. Even with the Blight the town was changed in such a way that Bella was not at her tavern if you had chosen to give it to her as a choice in DA:O. So thanks for recognizing that choice, real awesome. Keeping Lloyd alive in DA:O was near impossible and yet…no Bella, no story about what happened to Lloyd, nothing. At least keep the tavern name the way it should have been!

Furthermore, why is the physical landscape so different than before? I really miss the coastal-hilled town from DA:O. What about Kaitly and Bevin? In my playthrough Bevin becomes a great adventurer. I would have loved to see him again, all grown up. Think about being able to romance a grown up Bevin, wielding his grandfather’s sword, tales of adventures that would shame Varric, interesting insights to the Hero of Fereldan… Some really missed chances  and opportunity in that story arc. How sad.

But do not worry, at the VERY end of the game when you talk to Morrigan you can find out what happened to Alistair’s or the HoF’s son. Get some closure there. So everyone can find out what happened to Morrigan but who cares? The child-thing didn’t even matter in the end because its power is taken away by Flemeth. So for all you people who romanced Alistair in DA:O do not worry, his one night stand turned out to have created a bastard son that did not cause the end of days or the rise of an arch-demon. What a great story that could have turned into rather than, “OMFG ELVES!!!”

So now that brings us to the races of DA:I. Since DA: 2 the entire series has been focused on elves. Nothing but elves. All of the forum posts I read were about elves and how superior they were and poor elven racism. I kind of understood it in the first game and hoped that by granting them some peace in the alienage it would help. Nope. Can’t have that choice. We need to make sure Solas stands sure and pristine in his hatred of all things not-elven. The elves hate humans, they hate each other, they use blood (in the form of tattoos) to mark themselves, they are distrustful, and constantly complain about how their life is crap. There is little to no change in all of Thedas’ history regarding the elves. By the time I got to DA:I I had begun to wonder if they didn’t actually enjoy their pity party. Both Solas and Sera act like their poo does not stink. One hates everything conventional, the others swears to have all the answers. And both hate each other and both hate anyone who disagrees with them. Sera would leave you, but Solas needs you; so he stays to the bitter end… out of pure spite and misery. How very “metal” of him. 

Dear Solas: You made the mess, got mad that no one else fixed it, came back to fix it, messed it up more and now you act like your own gift of salvation. Kindly piss off.

Flemeth’s end was sad and probably the only thing that made sense in the game if you want to believe that a bunch of Elven dieties had been running and ruining everything from the beginning. The story had potential but it fell flat and it fell cliche, again. So…great. Both Solas and Flemeth were once living beings and now they are possessed by lunatic spirits and technically abominations. Thanks. Glad that Thedas makes sense now. While Flemeth’s story made sense because of her Black Grimoire in DA:O, and the Asha’belanar bit in DA:2, I feel like she deserved more in the end. But whatever, this has to be about the elves right? Funny side note: at the start of creating DA:I the original hero was supposed to be human but fans were discontent over that so at the very last minute they changed it. You can tell by the choices and how people react in game that their push-back of 1 year was to accommodate fans while giving them no real substance. “Oh you play elf? We hate you. You play dwarf? We hate you. You play Qunari? We really hate you.” Insert facepalm here.


Combat in DA:I would be made more pleasurable if someone was pulling out my fingernails at the same time. At least then I would not have to facedesk for how clunky the controls are. I have always loved being melee in every game I pick up but this one. The sheer amount of clumsy targeting and movement is so frustrating that I have only played a ranged rogue. I refuse to play mages because I find that mages are made of silly. Throw a fireball, throw some ice or heal someone. It is boring. But I digress. The whole combat system is flawed in several ways. In order to melee hit someone you have to move around like a jack rabbit and constantly press shift, or was it control? To keep ON the damn target, not to mention how horrible the tactical camera is. Sticking with a bow I can at least stick to my target without worrying that I am not spam pressing a button just to hit something. To top it off: there is no challenge in any fight whatsoever. There is no rolling around to dodge something. Just move to the side. There is no charging or stuns or anything difficult. Even on the highest level of difficulty taking down a high dragon was as challenging as sneezing into a tissue.


Maybe I could have forgiven the limitations of combat, if not for the horrible and ungodly visuals and armor meshes and deplorable hats in the game. Why is every single Chantry member wearing a phallic symbol on their head? Will someone explain who the hell thought that was a good idea?


And why is every piece of my gear stuck with an eyeball metal chestpiece? I do not want an eyeball on my armour.


Cassandra is in stitches. Are you kidding me?!  Cullen is wearing raven feathers…what?! Shouldn’t that be on Leliana with her crow obsession? Varic always looks like Varric. Thanks for the chest hair peeping out.  And Josephine is wearing a cotton candy shiny puffy dress. Just gross. Sera, well, who cares. Sera is Sera, Sera wears what she wants. How about Vivienne’s hat? That woman is damn awful, I hate even mentioning her. I talk to her once in the entire game if I have to. Iron Bull is wearing Clown Pants and Blackwall has the only outfit worth mentioning that looks decent…but mostly looks like a pillow is strapped to his chunky frame. Cole has a giant flappy hat and looks like a zombie. Good job. Dorian has some great fashion sense. Tevinter is all about putting on the Ritz. Too bad I cannot get his outfit to be used on everyone. Sigh.

Hair? Hair in this game looks like painted leather over a head. Nice to know that the fans have made better hair. And they did it for free.

Faces…okay they got some nice skin textures and you can have fun with lip sizes. Too bad they hit Iron Bull with an iron bat of ugly and then took it to Vivienne’s cheekbones and then dropped a dead squirrel onto Blackwall’s face.

And what about the Nutcracker outfits the Inquisition members are forced to wear at the ball? And why is Morrigan still in the same outfit as DA:O? I just can’t go on anymore with the visuals in this game. The ONE shining factor of Inquisition graphics: You get pretty trees. Hint: You get better looking trees in games that are 5 years older.


Storyline Villains 

Well, perhaps the main antagonist is interesting. Nope. The main antagonist is a character from a DLC in DA: 2. Wow. Way to drop the ball. Thanks for bringing in Corypheus as the most uninteresting bad guy since Dr. Evil. At least Dr. Evil had a dwarf sidekick. But no, Corypheus includes every villain cliche since the dawn of humanity’s writing. Maniacal laughter: Check. “Lets” the good guy escape: Check. Talks about misery and woe and how he will bring about the End of Days?: Check. The bad guy is dead but not really? Check and check. There is nothing new or exciting here. Big giant yawn.



No, I do not want to spend the game adding arbitary designs and a garden. Nothing is functional, it is all aesthetic. I am also so very glad my arbitrary mount collection is able to house one mount at a time in the stables. Why even have mounts again? Bonus: If you are on a mount and want to drop off a cliff you will not die. WHEE FLYING NUGMOUNT!… sigh.

Other than Dagna’s room there is nothing to Skyhold that tells me “Personal housing.” Adding bits of banners does not a home make. Skyhold was boring at best and annoying at worst. I did fall through the floor once and I found a pumpkin there. That was funny but also annoying.


What about the DLC? Surely some of it is..interesting? The best of the additional content is Jaws of Hakkon. Jaws of Hakkon brings back the RPG wonder of discovering new foes, an intriguing storyline and puzzle pieces to figure out the story. No weird foreshadowing from half-spirit people, no maniacal laughing, no one bemoaning the use of magic. Just a straight up mystery with a lot of in-depth character content. I have a particular save intended for me to jump into playing that when I feel like staring at pretty trees and talking to the Hair-on-Fire lady.

Descent is okay. It is just a bunch of Dwarven lore which is not so bad, it has some interesting elements but you are stuck with another war table and a really stupid cog finding quest. The ending barely made sense. So Dwarves are magical, too. But only some and only in certain ways and the whole entire Thedas planet is probably twice the size of earth. Yay physics!

And of course, Trespasser, by which we can see what Solas really is: Not an elf at all, just some higher being who planted himself in an elf to take away your hand mark and do bad things to the world because he messed it up, didn’t like how it turned out and now wants the world to burn so he can start again. Yawn.

What Could Have Been

Jeez, is there anything that would make this player happy? For starters, the combat controls need to be reworked. The fun part about DA:O was the various options and choices and yes the combat camera to position your party. In DA:2, the quick combat made fights more interesting. If DA:I could revert something to a previous game, DA:O with the outlandish amount of choices with the quicker movement of DA:2 it would have felt a lot better. In addition to a refined combat system, here are some targeted points that could be focused on for future installments of the series:

  • More Customizing!: Weapons and armour need to be updated and given choices in what to wear. The tinting system, while interesting, only recoloured the same 6 outfits in game, there is room for improvement. And seriously, create some better freakin’ hair.
  • Mounts: Either we can all mount or no one mounts.
  • Characters: Stop dressing them like clowns, allow them to be who they are not who we think they should be. Dorian is a fantastic example of a character with more shades of colour than any other character since DA:O. He has a genuine want to help the people, all the people, and his sexuality is a side note. Make more characters rich and believable.
  • Choices and Story: No matter what kind of graphics are in a game, RPG gamers want a story. They want something that leaves them hanging, makes them think, even shed a tear or bust out a laugh. Modders are great at shelling out graphics, but what we need is a good story. Shooter games and adventure games are a dime a dozen, but RPG’ers come back for the story. In DA:O we saw several different beginnings with tonnes of outcomes. If EA brings anything back I hope it is that.

What are your thoughts on Dragon Age: Inquisition? For all the content it has, so much of it is polarizing for players. Have I been too harsh? Too forgiving even? Let me know your opinions in the comments!

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65 responses to “250+ Hours of Dragon Age: Inquisition & How It Could Have Delivered On Promises”

  1. I often like your DA comments, Elhanan. However, every time you mention TW3 my toes curl, no matter what you say about that game. That is because you told me that you have never played the game. It didn’t stop you to disrupt many discussions where the game was mentioned on BSN and it appeared that you loved to critique the game, without ever playing it yourself. I hope you don’t make the same mistake at Fextralife.

  2. So what is subjectively acceptable in one game is not in another because….. Nevermind. Personally do not mind performing minor tasks in RPG’s as it is not beyond my characters to serve others. However, were those personalities extant, simply skip them, or say No to the quest givers, and move along.

    And while Cory may be a ‘chump’ to one Player, may not be the same for another. Cory was quite formidable in my first campaign as a Rogue; not so difficult with my next two Mages.

    While I quite like the designs of Flemeth and Qunari in DA2, disliked the alien looking Elves and Darkspawn of DA2; prefer DAI overall between these two titles. Still, my fave Darkspawn are from DAA.

    As for competition, that appears again to be based on opinion. I kinda feel bad for TW3 losing to FO4 because TW3 simply had better QA in the thirty patches or so that followed after launch, and FO4 from a viewers standpoint does not appear to be that entertaining.

  3. What you see in the prologue are fractions of an event, which the player character witnessed by accident. As you will discover later the antagonist was present at the event and you disrupted a ritual to obtain a powerful skill. Instead of the antagonist getting the skill, it is passed to the protagonist and the event also caused memory loss. You’ll learn later that the skill allows the player character to close rifts between the world and the fade. At first the prologue appears to be a vague vision, but during the game the Inquisitor gets the memory back and who were present and why will be revealed. The skill can be used for more than closing rifts and why the antagonist needs it is also part of a later discovery.

  4. I never played DA:I, so I know nothing about how it starts. This sounds like a good idea, if it`s done well. So BW skipped the prologue on purpose. I like it. They probably linked the memory loss with the mark. I like innovative storytelling. Like that crazy scene about your PC`s execution at the start of Skyrim.

  5. That is silly and I think you know it. What you see in the introduction is what the Inquisitor knows at the start of the game. Large parts of the Inquisitor’s memory are erased. During the game he or she gets that memory back and piece by piece allows the player to know what really happened there. That’s the correct answer to the poster’s question, whether you like DA:I or not.

  6. My point wasn`t about videos, but about the Inquisitor`s background. Is there anything at all about her/him before Act 1 starts? In DA:O there were the six Origin stories and the Ostagar battle. In DA2 we have the Escape from Lothering and the Gallows quests. These were useful to connect with your PC. Prologues have this important role for a RPG. WHAT was used in DA:I?

  7. My biggest issue with Corypheus was that he was basically a moron. His dragon is the key to his ability to keep coming back over and over no matter how many times you kill him, and yet he brings the thing to the final battle? And then when your killing it he pretty much just stands there and lets you do it. It just boggled my mind. I woulda kept that dragon as far away from the battle as I possibly could, because you know by that point he knows you have killed a crap load of high dragons.

    Have to disagree with you about Felicia Day though, I find her adorable.

  8. Will have to disagree with you here a little bit. There was not a lot of competition in 2014, but there was strong competition. Hearthstone might be a card game, but it is a lot of fun, and quite addicting. I had more fun with it than I ever did with DA:I.

    As for Shadows of Mordor, I thought it was a much better game. The combat was wonderful, the story was decent, and the Nemesis system was just outstanding. It’s the game that should have been GotY in 2014, in my opinion.

    Can’t speak to the other two as I did not play them.

  9. But thats the thing, Geralt is a Witcher in a world where they are increasingly unwanted, so he essentially is a person for hire whenever there are no monsters to hunt; the same can’t be said for the inquisitor. And I do love Geralt’s character: moody but self-referential and snarky. Contrasts well with the idealists and commoners around him.

    Corphy may be a badass in the story, but when you fight him, he’s an absolute chump. Even the final boss of Witcher 3 was more of a hassle than that guy, and he was an anti-climatic boss! As for choices, while choosing between those two is a pretty hard choice, almost no other one like that happens in the game, and even then, the choice says "most likely" will die, leaving me to believe it will be all for naught.

    DA:2 did not have nowhere near the amount of versatility that origins did when it came to gameplay. Its strength was in the so called "plastic swings", as Origins swings felt like they had a lot of weight to them while the speed of 2 made it feel like a bootleg character action game. I would think the in between would be more like a dark souls swing as opposed to whatever the hell you do in Inquisition. Its hard to explain, I think I can summarize it with this: Origins was made for Mouse and Keyboard and had complex gameplay, 2 was made for controllers and had fast-paced gameplay, and Inquisition tried to have you do both, but only married the complexity of what you could do with a M/K with the limited buttons of a controller, therefore having not very complex and medium-paced gameplay.

    When talking about character design, 2 wins out. The Quinari look like monstrosities with their black sclera and rad-looking clothes, the Elves look alien in their appearance, kinda like an anime character, with their big eyes and colorful clothes, and the dwarves look like dwarves and not just really short people with their stocky builds and magnificent chins. Every race in inquisition looked like a human with a single characteristic to signify the difference: Horns, Ears, and Height.

    Keep in mind that Inquisition did not have a heavy hitter like Witcher 3 to fight against it when they were deciding game of the year for 2014.

  10. Because great RPG’s do not require a ton of mini-films. While I also would have liked more of an origin, I do not miss the ton of cut-scenes shown in some other titles (eg; ME3); prefer it this way.

  11. ?! That`s it?

    That`s not Bioware… How are you supposed to make a connection with your played character inside the story? I`m glad I didn`t tried DA:I …
    What`s the problem? The Frostbite engine does not allow cutscenes? Even so, I don`t see the reason why BW did not made at least a small introductory part, like you arriving at the scene before the explosion. How can a big game studio release an AAA game in such a state?

  12. And there is the whole create/ re-create your own choices from the past World State thing at The Keep before importing it to DAI. But the prologue is a simple background story set into a Codex entry in the game, or seen on the Official Site beforehand.

  13. When you log in and select "new game" you chose a dwarf, elf human or qun character, their class and gender and where you import from. Then you see an explosion at a church, and something of your character rub their head and get up. THEN you create your character and find yourself in handcuffs. "We have you here because there is a mark on your hand! ARE YOU EVIL?!" that is it. Then they introduce you to their clunky combat controls and hope you have some hotkey macros so you keep on your target.

  14. WHAT? Are you serious?
    Well, in this case I can understand why the long standing BW fans quit the ship. This was their trademark. Like Black Isle had a different one for the Icewind Dale games: find out the deep aspects of the plot step by step, gathering lore. IWD`s are linear, but like a detective story.
    So, let me understand: there is no Prologue, not even a video scene? The PC is just created and then teleported in the world with the mark on her/his hand? No story?

  15. I don`t like Felicia Day’s voice either. Her choice for MOTA was a minus for me also. I knew nothing about her previously, so I bought MOTA…
    But Hawke`s reaction was crazy. Aveline also has a comment like: we usually kill only about 95% of the things we encounter…

  16. There is no prologue. It a character creator and "hey, here you are, we have to figure out why a mark is on your hand."

    I have to disagree about Cole. He meta-games he does not give insights.

  17. pointed me to an interview with BW founders from 2011, describing their vision about RPG. Emotional experience was very important for them. For a successful RPG the most important thing is the impact of that FIRST play-through. When every part of the story is brand new, and every twist of the plot leave its mark. This is when we decide: "I like this game!"
    BW knew how to deliver high emotional impact in the first hour of gameplay. Think back to BG1. In every game they made this happened in the Prologue: the main character was subject to a traumatic experience that set the course of the game. I liked this idea. This is what made DA2 memorable for some players. An event with a high emotional impact has deep consequences in our mind. There is a little book "Paranoia" by Daniel and Jason Freeman describing how such an event can make us change our worldview.

    I don`t know how well it was done in DA:I. I remember some comments and player reviews considering DA:I prologue as dull. It is true?

  18. You could not pay me to listen to Felicia Day’s voice. I would rather punch her.


    Edit: there are some humour elements in DA:I. Notably when you tell Solas to suck a lemon and punch him. There is also a really stupid "funny" sex part with the smushed face of Iron Bull. Your war table team catches you guys having sex in a room with no roof and broken furniture (seriously?) and then laugh at his penis.

  19. As an aside, the OC’s from NWN1 are not the main draw, though Hordes of the Underdark is quite good; tis the mods, on-line campaigns, and Persistent Worlds made available with the included Toolkit, and DM & Player’s Clients. I was part of an on-going campaign for five years, played scores of mods, and visited PW’s up until recently, though I still visit the forums. That is quite a lot of content and longevity for a game released near the start of the new Century.

  20. This is the most hilarious moment from Mark of the Assassin:


    Only available for a clever (sarcastic) Hawke. That Hawke has some other crazy comments in MOTA. The only part that sets MOTA apart is the stealthy infiltration of the castle. I kind of missed stealth in DA2…

    There are such scenes in DA:I ? I am curious if BW kept the humor angle. It was good since BG.

  21. Depending on the location, Cory did a lot. And the Mage & Templar war was brought mostly to a halt early, before the events at Skyhold, I believe.

    Cory and crew took slaves and used them as fuel, aided Darkspawn and Tevinter, released demons and undead on the populace, planned world domination, killed the head of the Chantry, ransacked populated areas for artifacts, etc. All these kinds of things were done in most areas, but were especially seen in The Lion, Emerald Graves, and The Exalted Plains in Orlais.

    Sebastian is not key to DA2, but the cameo from Leliana in that DLC is helpful. But MotA and Legacy were both worthy of the costs, at least for my many playthroughs. But all that was revealed was the background of Cory, which is repeated in DAI, so one did not miss anything, other than some specific details; certainly nothing of key value.

    Plus I admire Ms Day as possibly the hardest working female gamer in entertainment, though we differ on non-game issues. I think her series as tallis was fun and informative; glad to see her as a temp companion.

  22. But he really did not do anything. Most of the issues were Mages vs Templars and he did not come in until the end. His manipulation never hurt any of the general public he only affected mages or templars depending on who you pick and some Tevinter fanatics. And Tevinter always has magic issues does it not? And what of Orlais? Pfft. They have been killing each other for decades and love playing The Game. His little interference only delayed the inevitable. He was very cliche in every movie villain out there I could forgive that if Coryphius had been a non paid for character. That is just a low blow to the people who do not want to fork out another x amount of bucks for a game they already paid 60$ to play. I still have no idea who the hell Sebastian is and I think Felicia Day has the most obnoxious voice ever so I would never buy that DLC either. So anyone who did not pay for Coriphyius..(I can never remember his spelling) were thrown into DA:I thinking.. who is this guy? So basically a person has to pay the 15$ in order to have a story on him and know who he is without getting spoiled by reading guides or wiki’s. That is not cool The in-game story by Varric is very thin and not very well spoken.

    Again, I do not fault you, or anyone from enjoying the game, nor do I want to invalidate your perspective on the game, but this part here was especially important in my personal game play and an addition to my disappointment in DA:I.

  23. [spoil:27kjw37m][/spoil:27kjw37m]

    I am with you on enjoying DA:2 because of the combat system and I really loved the storytelling part. I did not need 100% new landscapes everywhere because it was a story and I was reliving it, making some choices for Hawke’s personality. I always thought DA:2 must have been an expansion for DA:O, like "Dragon Age: The refugees" but it was put into a second part of the game because BW had been absorbed by EA at that point. The combat was a lot easier to deal with. And I am in agreement with the visuals on the people of DA:I. Everyone was drooling over the trees and landscape while the people looked like as you described them. And I had not thought about the Inquisition as more of a social club but yeah, sounds about right. You know what zone I really did enjoy in DA:I.. The Fallow Mire. It was short, to the point, zombies, but with a tonne of clues to find and side stories of the people. It was breathtaking.

    Funny note here: I have not played much the Witcher games but I own them all and all the DLC’s and stuff because I love the company

    The year 2014 the only nominess for GOTY was Bayonetta 2, Dark Souls II, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Hearthstone, and Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. Hearthstone is a card game, how is that going to compete? Dark Souls II should have won imo but most people cannot handle how difficult the Dark Souls games are. It will be hard pressed to win a GOTY because of the amount of dying involved lol. So there was no competition for 2014, unfortunately. Or rather, not strong enough competition.

    Bayonetta2: Hack and Slash Game
    Dark Souls II: Action game with RPG elements
    Hearthstone: Card game, akin to Magic: The Gathering
    Middle-earth: Shadow of Modor : action game

    There were no other RPG’s up for GOTY.

    I did buy the GOTY edition because it came out when I finally had time to play the game. the GOTY had all the DLC included for a smaller price than buying individually. None of the armour packs, I do not remember, though, and some extra mounts. OF WHICH NO ONE BUT ME COULD RIDE.

    Just to reiterate: I am glad people found use for the game, or enjoyment. I sometimes believe that humans will go to any length to justify certain decisions. I bought the game and I put in a LOT of hours to make my purchase worth it. Unfortunately I did not like it. C’est la vie!

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